Monday, October 18, 2010

It's time for a change

As an outsider looking in, it sounds so ridiculous that I have somehow managed to put myself in this crazy, unorthodox situation. The person that I am currently dating is very inconsiderate and disrespectful, and if I would have known that in the beginning, I would not have let this relationship progess as far as it has. I do not get physically abused, and I'm not one to claim verbal abuse, but it's more like he tries to test my patience too often. There has been times when he has met other women, degraded me in public, disrespected me in private, and even made me cry at times. If this had happened to anyone else, I doubt I would have encouraged the other person to stay in the chaotic relationship. In fact, I probably would have told them that they're only enduring the current dillema because they dont realize that there is someone else out there who is willing to treat them so much better. The only this is that they have to have the courage to let go and embrace independence, and all that it has to offer... Everyone can think of a person that they believe is their ideal mate, but does this current Prince Charming accurately represent your ideal man? If not, why not?

What's missing?

I am not sure what everyone else lacks but I know what I'm missing. I am missing the touch and carress of a strong, soulful man that is not afraid to tell me that he adores me. Some men tend to get it confused when it comes to attention and affection. Some tend to think that if they're paying the bills then they are doing their job and therefore, you're their property. Yeah fucking right!! Are you serious? Boy, that couldnt be any further from the truth!!



At the end of the day, the bottom line is that a woman needs affection. And if you cant pick up on the subtle hints she's droppin, you better get ready for the single life. Hints are just that. Hints. And if you cant pick up the clues that I'm layin down, you're not the one for me. Personally, I need someone who can either keep up with my pace or be one step ahead of me.

... If it's your house, you're supposed to pay bills! DUH!! So when you sit there and brag that you're payin the bills this month, OK... ...SO?! What's the big deal behind that? Are you paying MY bills? No. I didnt think so. You're paying YOUR bills and Im paying MY way. Let's just move on to the next topic...

Trying to make it work.

You know when you should keep trying and you know when to throw in the towel. If you are gettin even the slightest urge that this is coming to an end, dont drag it out and make it worse than it is. K.I.S.S. = Keep It Simple, Silly! If you're a soldier, jus pack up and ship out. GOD will provide and will continue to provide for you on your journey. Every journey begins with one step, you just have to decide to take the first one. On the other hand, if you'd like to put the past behind you and give it another try, try your hardest and dont let anything stop you. If fate means for the relationship to work, it will work. Despite the critics and naysayers, the light will shine through and bless you both.

At the end of the day, you just need to reach out and take the chance at happiness. It will not come search for you in your bedroom. You have to want it. And you're worth the best that life has to offer you.

DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS BECAUSE IT IS EASIER. THE FRUIT AT THE TOP OF THE TREE IS THE RIPEST, YET WILL REQUIRE WORK TO OBTAIN. The fruit on the bottom of the tree has fallen and is easier to grab, but it's not as sweet as what's waiting for you at the top!